International programs of SKMA


Internationalization and academic mobility are one of the main directions of SKMA’s development, as is evident through the implementation of numerous international initiatives, in accordance to the ‘Strategic Development Plan’ of the university on 2015-2018.

This approach allows to:

  • Develop the existing cooperation;
  • Start and set up innovative cooperation activities through the establishment of cooperation protocols with universities from all over the world;
  • Integrate several international inter university cooperation networks and groups;
  • Actively participate on a significant number of International educational programs.

Many of these activities are especially developed within the EU programs such us – Erasmus +.

In 2015 with active advisory and information support of the National office Erasmus + Kazakhstan SKMA for the first time became the member of the project Erasmus + 561857-ЕРР-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP «Modernizing Health Education in Universities» (ModeHEd).