Program of international scientific – practical conference “ModeHEd – Modernizing health education in universities”
Section №1 « Issues of the effective modernization of training courses – Valeology, Fundamentals of medical knowledge, Age Physiology and Hygiene, Physiology»
Section №2 «Problems of training courses modernization – Sports medicine and hygiene of physical education, Therapeutic physical education and hygiene of physical education»
Section №3 «Modernization of «Pre-hospital emergency medical care» course»
Section №4 «Problems of «Public health, management of public health» course modernization»
Section №5 «The development of cross-project relationships and learning from the experiences of related projects UzHealth, TechReh, MEDiPHyS, SPHERA, TAME. The results of scientific research and methodological approaches in teaching»
Conference Collection September 27-28, 2017
Conference protocol